av RE Haugerud · 2002 — experience within reindeer husbandry of how rangelands should be used to A sustainable use of winter ranges implies that the same hill should not be grazed expanding the definition of sustainability from exclusively economic to include 


The principles of sound rangeland management are being applied in the communal areas of Kunene and Caprivi Regions. The principles of sound rangeland management included in a Draft National Rangeland Policy and Strategy developed by the MAWF and the Meat Producers Association of Namibia are in line with the practise adopted here.

Tagged with: degraded landscapes, Environmental sustainability, Livelihood, aim to make agroforestry more recognised among development aid stakeholders. For many decades, sustainable management of rangeland resources have gained less attention due to either their geophysical location or assumed that they  Sustainable rangeland management using a multi-fuzzy model: how to deal with heterogeneous experts' knowledge. H Azadi, M Shahvali, J van den Berg,  Rangeland management effects on soil properties in the savanna biome, south africa: a case study along grazing gradients in communal and commercial  10-19. Exkluderade på titel/abstract.

Sustainable management of rangelands would include

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Peter.O’Reagain@deedi.qld.gov.au or indicators, that can be assembled to describe progress toward sustainable rangeland management. These indicators are categorized under five overarching criteria: 1) conservation and maintenance of soil and water resources on rangelands, 2) conservation and maintenance of plant and animal resources on range- Certain management practices can also contribute to a host of soil-related problems (e.g., excessive wind and water erosion, nutrient loading, and increased sedimentation in reservoirs), ultimately leading to a general reduction in the land's ability to sustain healthy rangeland systems. guidance on sustainable management and utilization of Rangelands as required by the Environmental Management Act (Cap. 191), they are also intended to support sustainable productivity of livestock and wildlife, improve pastoral as well as agro-pastoral livelihoods. The Guidelines reveal that management of Rangelands demands deliberate The degraded rangelands had high grazing intensity, due to location on more accessible topography. The results were presented to the community through a communal leader.

productive capacity . on rangelands. 4.

Protecting the past of historical Veliky Novgorod2003Ingår i: Building and Re-building Sustainable Communities: Reports from the Superbs project / [ed] Lars 

However not all rangelands are found in drylands (as indeed not all drylands are rangelands), and rangelands can include wetlands and forests too. Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa - Guidelines to good practice 24-06-2019 However, evidence compiled and analysed in this book show that such a view of rangelands – as being unproductive and mismanaged systems – does not reflect reality. Community-based sustainable management of rangelands, forests and biodiversity; and (3) Project management. Component 1: Institutional and policy framework .

Rangelands have been used for millennia by livestock-keeping societies for The guidelines will offer a tool to better target interventions to project Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa – Guidelines to good pra

Sustainable management of rangelands would include

on wild rangelands. In: Du Toit J. T., Kock,  This publication can be downloaded at www.slu.se/slu-global or ordered from global@slu.se Livestock productivity and food security in the rangeland pastoral Diversified and sustainable agro-ecosystems – efficient management of Add to this the growing interest in bioenergy and it is easy to  All these factors have been a major obstacle in the sustainable management of The useful grazing period of most rangelands will also shrink because of  During this workshop, we will focus on Social Sciences and/or Law. of this Kenyan rangeland and the pastoral traditions that have brought this landscape into being. A sustainable management and understanding of the intangible cultural  Examples Add (iii) conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; which would address the main threats to soil and would have a crucial impact on Arid and semi-arid rangelands are less rich in terms of number of species, but also  Used to limit movement or add supplemental structural support to trees. If not corrected, root pattern will prevent a tree from establishing well when for environmentally sustainable construction and building management practices.

Duration: 7 months (June 2015 – December 2015) Situation Analysis: The West Asia and North Africa region has faced increasing environmental stress over Sustainable Management and Enhancing Restoration of Degraded Range. Keywords: Area enclosures, Area enclosures, Communal grazing land, Rangeland degradation rehabilitation Introduction Overview of Rangelands According to Teague et al. (2009) rangelands are defined as those areas around the world with arid, semi-arid and Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project (P129156) Rangeland management: Activities will include establishment of shelter belts for sand  expansive, mostly unimproved lands on which a significant proportion of the vegetation is native grasses and shrubs. Rangelands include natural grasslands   17 Jun 2020 Rangeland management practices have low potential to sequester will probably be more important to the sustainability of ranching than  20 Feb 2018 Sustainable Management of the Rangelands in Jordan .
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Sustainable management of rangelands would include

Legal, institutional, and . economic frameworks . for rangeland conservation and sustainable management.

resources on rangelands. 3.
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Successful management of the rangelands, which includes a wide variety of resources, must not be focused on a single objective but rather on achieving a wide variety of habitat objectives that best meet the social, cultural, economic, and physical needs of the tribes.

Members of the ACRIS Management Committee (in late 2007) include from the Sustainability is addressed on three fronts: 1) ecological, 2) economic, and 3) social acceptance. Based on previous and on-going research, we suggest that employment of science-based rangeland grazing management strategies and tactics can ensure ecological sustainability. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND HABITAT MANAGEMENT – Vol. I – Rangeland Management - Pardini A. ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems(EOLSS) 1. Introduction The present conditions of the rangelands are the result of a protracted evolution of plants and animals, which has also been influenced by human activities for thousands of years.

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Rangeland management is a professional natural science that centers around the study of rangelands and the "conservation and sustainable management for the benefit of current societies and future generations." Range management is defined by Holechek et al. as the "manipulation of rangeland components to obtain optimum combination of goods and services for society on a sustained basis."

Anderson  av RE Haugerud · 2002 — experience within reindeer husbandry of how rangelands should be used to A sustainable use of winter ranges implies that the same hill should not be grazed expanding the definition of sustainability from exclusively economic to include  av J Mattisson · 2011 · Citerat av 14 — In conservation and management, carnivore species are often treated as isolated units, even though interspecific interactions can have important implications for the behaviour, demography of carnivores and the sustainability of reindeer husbandry (Nilsson. Dahlström 2003). on wild rangelands. In: Du Toit J. T., Kock,  This publication can be downloaded at www.slu.se/slu-global or ordered from global@slu.se Livestock productivity and food security in the rangeland pastoral Diversified and sustainable agro-ecosystems – efficient management of Add to this the growing interest in bioenergy and it is easy to  All these factors have been a major obstacle in the sustainable management of The useful grazing period of most rangelands will also shrink because of  During this workshop, we will focus on Social Sciences and/or Law. of this Kenyan rangeland and the pastoral traditions that have brought this landscape into being. A sustainable management and understanding of the intangible cultural  Examples Add (iii) conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; which would address the main threats to soil and would have a crucial impact on Arid and semi-arid rangelands are less rich in terms of number of species, but also  Used to limit movement or add supplemental structural support to trees. If not corrected, root pattern will prevent a tree from establishing well when for environmentally sustainable construction and building management practices.

4 Principles for Sustainable Resource Management in the Rangelands Why are the rangelands important? Carbon sequestration. In the rangelands carbon is found in both the woody vegetation and in soils, with a low amount of soil . carbon storage per unit. However, due to the large expanse of the rangelands the total carbon store is considerable9.


Sustainable management of agriculture should include the sustainable management of the people that work on the systems. Fair trade is an example of how the world is trying to produce sustainable management of local farmers in third world countries. Natural resources, especially rangelands characteristically provide a context for sustainable development of environment worldwide. Recently, rangeland management projects play an important role in preventing pasture degradation and promote their overall status. 2018-10-25 · 'Momentum is building for promoting sustainable rangeland landscapes, and Africa is in the lead.' This was the observation of Abdelkader Bensada, programme management officer for the United Nations Environment (UN Environment), at the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) held 29–30 August 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya. Management Practices Goal: Elaboration of ownership and accountability measures in support of the ecological sustainability and livelihoods protection of rangelands in the WANA region. Duration: 7 months (June 2015 – December 2015) Situation Analysis: The West Asia and North Africa region has faced increasing environmental stress over Sustainable Management and Enhancing Restoration of Degraded Range.